South Georgia Medical Associates, P.C.
410 Connell Road
Valdosta, GA 31602
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Phone Number:
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
410 Connell Road Valdosta, GA 31602
What are clinic hours?
8 am to 5 pm Monday - Thursday
8 am to 12 pm Friday
How do I schedule an appointment?
Call 229-244-4720
Do you offer same-day appointments?
We will try our best to work you into the doctors schedule that same day, if not, we will work with you and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.
What do I do if I can’t make an appointment?
Call us at 229-244-4720 and inform the staff as soon as possible. If you are running late, you may have to reschedule the appointment for a later time.
What happens if I miss an appointment?
Call us at 229-244-4720 and reschedule an appointment with the staff.
How can I get a question to my doctor?
Call us at 229-244-4720 and ask to leave a message for your doctor. Sign up for Patient Portal at your next visit.
I am a new patient, what doctor will I see?
You can find a brief biography of our doctors on our webpage. After checking out these resources, you can request a specific physician based on the information you learn, or you can ask the appointment staff to help you select.
What special services does your clinic provide?
Personalized medical attention to fit your needs.
Where can I get my prescriptions filled?
You can take your prescriptions to any area pharmacy to be filled.
How do I get a copy of my immunization record?
Call the clinic at 229-244-4720 and ask for your immunization record. You may be asked to complete and fax or bring in a release of information form.
How can I get a copy of my medical records from your office to another doctor?
Call the office at 229-244-4720 and ask the staff to send your records to another doctor. You may be asked to complete and fax or bring in a release of information form.
How can I get a copy of my medical records from another clinic to your clinic?
Call the other clinic directly and ask them to send a copy of your records to our clinic:
South Georgia Medical Associates
410 Connell Road
Valdosta, GA 31602
Will I be required to pay on the day of my appointment?
If your insurance plan has a co-pay, you must pay that at the time of your visit. If you have no insurance, you may be required to pay the entire bill at the end of the visit.
I don’t understand my bill, Whom should I call?
All insurance and billing is handled by our office. You can call them with your questions at 229-244-4720.
Please Bring all Medications to Every Appointment